首頁  国产欧美在线信息 激光量測設備 功率計/能量計 光功率計



  • 光功率計
  • 光功率計

所屬類別:激光量測設備 » 功率計/能量計

所屬品牌:德國Gigahertz Optik国产黄色在线观看



電話:130 2016 6105(微信同號)



昊量光電提供多種類型的光功率測試設備,來自於(yu) 德國Gigahertz-Optik国产黄色在线观看,性能優(you) 異,適用於(yu) 各種場實驗需要。


  • 光功率計400 - 1800nm 寬波段

  • 光功率計0.6nW to 55W 標準測試範圍

  • 光功率計帶校準數據插頭的所有探測器頭的驗光儀(yi)

  • 光功率計測量模式:連續波、脈衝(chong) 能量、劑量、峰間、有效發光強度(Blondel-Rey)、數據記錄器等

  • 光功率計非常低的噪聲水平和低電流水平檢測

Model                   ImageSpectralEntrance opticEntrance opticTyp. Range Minimum SNR=50 100ms integrationMeasurement range Typ. Max.                       Remark
-4 + Si 400 - 1100 nm

16 mm Ø

 Integrating sphere

5 mm Ø0.73 µW @630nm 0.66 µW @900nm

14.6 W @630nm

 13.3 W @900nm

Two-photodiode technology for time-resolved measurement (ns) of the radiant power of pulsed laser diodes and LEDs. Optometer P-2120 or P-9710-4 for high dynamic range and precise pulse measurement mode. Optional oscilloscope for pulse shape.
 + Si 400 - 1100 nm

30 mm Ø

 integrating sphere

5 mm Ø7.8 nW @630nm 5.6 nW @900nm

1.56 W @630nm

 1.13 W @900nm

Integrating sphere detector with 30 mm ODM98 sphere for laser power measurements from 400 nm - 1100 nm. Suitable for CW-power as well as pulse energy measurements.
 + InGaAs 800-1800nm

30 mm Ø

 Integrating sphere

5 mm Ø0.29 µW @1300nm 0.25 µW @1550nm

5.9 W @1300nm

 5.0 W @1550nm

Integrating sphere detector with 30 mm ODM98 sphere for laser power measurements from 800 nm - 1800 nm. Suitable for CW-power as well as pulse energy measurements.
 + InGaAs 800 -1800 nm

50 mm Ø

 Integrating sphere

10 mm Ø6.33E-10 W @ 1300 nm
5.85E-10 W @ 1550 nm
6.33 W @ 1300 nm
5.85 W @ 1550 nm
Integrating sphere detector with 50 mm ODM98 sphere for laser power measurements from 800 nm - 1800 nm. Suitable for CW-power as well as pulse energy measurements.
-1 + Si 400 - 1100 nmFlat surface7 mm Ø3.9 nW @630nm 0.25 nW @900nm

0.77 W @630nm

 50 mW @900nm

Laser power and laser scattered radiation. 7mm diameter measurement spot for laser safety measurements.
-2 + Si 400 - 1100 nm100 mm Ø Integrating sphere15 mm Ø3.1 nW @630nm 2.6 nW @900nm

0.6 W @630nm

 0.5 W @900nm

Integrating sphere detector with 100 mm barium sulfate sphere for laser power measurements from 400 nm - 1100 nm. Suitable for CW-power as well as pulse energy measurements. Optometer P-9710 with high dynamic range and precise pulse energy mode.
-2 + -SiSi 400 - 1100 nm300 mm Ø Integrating sphere100 mm Ø25nW @630nm 20nW @900nm

5 W @630nm

 4 W @900nm

Integrating sphere detector with 300 mm barium sulfate sphere for laser power measurements from 400 nm - 1100 nm. Suitable for CW-power as well as pulse energy measurements. Optometer P-9710 with high dynamic range and precise pulse energy mode.

更多型號以及要求,請谘詢我們(men) 。



上海昊量光電設備有限国产黄色在线观看是光電国产欧美在线專(zhuan) 業(ye) 代理商,国产欧美在线包括各類激光器、光電調製器、光學測量設備、光學元件等,涉及国产成人在线观看免费网站涵蓋了材料加工、光通訊、生物醫療、科學研究、國防、量子光學、生物顯微、物聯傳(chuan) 感、激光製造等;可為(wei) 客戶提供完整的設備安裝,培訓,硬件開發,軟件開發,係統集成等服務。

您可以通過我們(men) 昊量光電的官方網站www.weilancj.com了解更多的国产欧美在线信息,或直接來電谘詢4006-888-532。


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