超短脈衝(chong) 測量儀(yi) -FROG脈衝(chong) 測量係統 (FROGscan)中紅外FROG超短脈衝(chong) 測量儀(yi) (FROGscan)飛秒脈衝(chong) 測量和壓縮器d-scan超短脈衝(chong) 測量和壓縮器-雙光子顯微專(zhuan) 用AA-DD掃描自相關(guan) 儀(yi) (450-3200nm)自相關(guan) 儀(yi) -雙光子顯微專(zhuan) 用(450-2000nm)IRA掃描自相關(guan) 器(450nm-11um)超短脈衝(chong) 測量儀(yi) FROG-GRENOUILLES色散補償(chang) 和脈寬壓縮器(BOA)—— 雙光子or 三光子顯微鏡等領域通用自相關(guan) 儀(yi) FR-103XL高功率自相關(guan) 儀(yi) FR-103HP自相關(guan) 儀(yi) FR-103TPM-雙光子顯微專(zhuan) 用ASF單發自相關(guan) 儀(yi) 高達10億(yi) 幀/秒!超快時間拉伸光譜儀(yi) 飛秒脈衝(chong) 壓縮器單發瞬態光譜儀(yi) -超快動力學實時測量自相關(guan) 儀(yi) FR-103kHz雙光子吸收自相關(guan) 儀(yi) FR-103MCAPE自相關(guan) 儀(yi) -PulseCheck
飛秒脈衝(chong) 測量和壓縮器d-scan
昊量光電推出超快激光係統及空心光纖壓縮器的理想測量和控製工具,飛秒脈衝(chong) 測量與(yu) 壓縮器d-scan,是一種內(nei) 聯,緊湊和高性能的設備,用於(yu) 同時測量和壓縮即使是蕞苛刻的超快脈衝(chong) 。超短脈衝(chong) 測量儀(yi) d-scan既可以作為(wei) 一個(ge) 獨立的係統使用,也可以與(yu) 現有的光脈衝(chong) 壓縮器集成。它處理寬帶振蕩器,放大器,OPA和空心光纖壓縮器。在不到一分鍾的時間內(nei) ,就能實現將光束耦合到d-scan中,完整的測量需要不到10秒的時間。由此產(chan) 生的d-scan軌跡非常直觀,專(zhuan) 有的反演算法提供了壓縮超快脈衝(chong) 的全電場的快速準確反演。
另有飛秒脈衝(chong) 測量儀(yi) d-cycle及單發測量儀(yi) d-shot可選,詳情請下載數據單
測量案例— — 振蕩器
少周期Ti:藍寶石振蕩器:測量(a)和反演(b) d-scan跡線。(c)實測光譜(黑色)和反演光譜相位(紅色)。(d)反演到的時間剖麵(黑色)和相位(紅色)。脈衝(chong) 持續時間為(wei) 5.5±0.1 fs (FWHM)。
M. Miranda, P. Rudawski, C. Guo, F. Silva, C. Arnold, T. Binhammer, H. Crespo, and A. L’Huillier, “Ultrashort laser pulse characterization from dISPersion scans: a comparison with SPIDER,” in CLEO: 2013, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2013), paper JTh2A.31 (San Jose, CA, USA, 9-14 June 2013).
測量案例— — 空心光纖壓縮器
單周期空心光纖壓縮機:測量(a)和f反演(b) d-scan跡線。(c)實測光譜(黑色)和反演光譜相位標準差(紅色)。(d)反演到的楔形插入的時間剖麵,使脈衝(chong) 持續時間蕞小化,對應於(yu) 3.2 fs(在740 nm處1.3個(ge) 周期)。
F. Silva, M. Miranda, B. Alonso, J. Rauschenberger, V. Pervak, and H. Crespo, “Simultaneous compression, characterization and phase stabilization of GW-level 1.4 cycle VIS-NIR femtosecond pulses using a single dispersion-scan setup,” Opt. Express 22, 10181-10191 (2014)
飛秒脈衝(chong) 測量和壓縮器d-scan技術規格
d-scan B (a) | d-scan R (b) | d-scan NIR (c) | d-scan 1.5 | |
Wavelength range | 450-1000nm 500-1050nm | 600-1100nm | 700-1400nm | 1500-1700nm |
Pulse duration (FTL) | 2.5fs to 10fs | sub 5fs to 20 fs | 2.5fs to 60fs | 60fs to 200fs |
Chirp range | ±375 fs2 | ±720 fs2 | ±600 fs2 | ±4000 fs2 |
Repetition rate | 1 kHz and above (d) | |||
Input polarization | Linear | |||
Max input aperture | 20 mm | 10 mm | ||
Required input energy | >100 pJ @ 80 MHz 1 µJ @ 1 kHz | |||
Compression module dimensions (WxLxH) | 317 x 336 x 97 mm | 250 x 250 x 100 mm | ||
Measuring head dimensions (WxLxH) | 57 x 57 x 116mm |
(a) 為(wei) 空心光纖壓縮器国产成人在线观看免费网站優(you) 化
(b) 為(wei) Ti:sapphire 振蕩器和OPCPA国产成人在线观看免费网站優(you) 化
(c) 為(wei) OPCPA国产成人在线观看免费网站優(you) 化
(d) 較低的重複率可能與(yu) 外部同步選項
Characterizing ultrashort laser pulses with second harmonic dispersion scans
I. Sytcevich, C. Guo, S. Mikaelsson, J. Vogelsang, A. Viotti, B. Alonso, R. Romero, P. T. Guerreiro, Í. J. Sola, A. L’Huillier, H. Crespo, M. Miranda, and C. L. Arnold1
Vol. 38, Issue 5,pp. 1546-1555(2021) / Journal of the Optical Society of America B
Single-shot d-scan technique for ultrashort laser pulse characterization using transverse second-harmonic generation in random nonlinear crystals
F. J. Salgado-Remacha, B. Alonso, H. Crespo, C. Cojocaru, J. Trull, R. Romero, M. López-Ripa, P. T. Guerreiro, F. Silva, M. Miranda, A. L’Huillier, C. L. Arnold, AND Í. J. Sola
Vol. 45, No. 14 / 15 July 2020 / Optics Letters
Detection and elimination of pulse train In situ temporal measurement of ultrashort laser pulses at full power during high-intensity laser–matter interactionsinstabilities in broadband fibre lasers using dispersion scan
H. Crespo, T. Witting, M. Canhota, M. Miranda, and J.W. G. Tisch
Optica, Vol. 7,Issue 8, pp. 995-1002(2020)
Detection and elimination of pulse train instabilities in broadband fibre lasers using dispersion scan
B. Alonso, S. Torres-Peiró, R. Romero, P. T. Guerreiro, A. Almagro-Ruiz, H. Muñoz-Marco, P. Pérez-Millán and H. crespo
Scientific Reports | (2020) 10:7242 | https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-64109-x
All-optical measurement of the complete waveform of OCTave-spanning ultrashort light pulses
M. Miranda, F. Silva, L. Neoricic, C. Guo, V. Pervak, M. Canhota, A. S. Silva, I. J. Sola, R. Romero, P. T. Guerreiro, A. L’Huillier, C. L. Arnold And H. Crespo
Vol. 44, No. 2 / 15 January 2019 / Optics Letters
SyncRGB-FLIM: synchronous fluorescence imaging of red, green and blue dyes enabLED by ultra-broadband few-cycle laser excitation and fluorescence lifetime detection
C. Maibohm, F. Silva, E. Figueiras, P. T. Guerreiro, M. Brito, R. Romero, H. Crespo and J. B. Nieder
Vol. 10, No. 4 | 1 Apr 2019 | BIOMEDICAL OPTICS EXPRESS 1892
Evaluation of the Coherent Artifact in Ultrashort Laser Pulses using D-scan and its Application to Broadband Fiber Lasers
B. Alonso, S. Torres-Peiró, R. Romero, P. T. Guerreiro, H. Muñoz-Marco, P. Pérez-Millán, H. Crespo
019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, OSA Technical Digest (OSA, 2019), paper cf_p_48
Propagation effects in the characterization of 1.5-cycle pulses by XPW dispersion scan
A. Tajalli, M. Ouille, A. Vernier, F. Bohle, E. Escoto, S. Kleinert, R. Romero, J. Csontos, U. Morgner, G. Steinmeyer, H. Crespo, R. Lopez Martens, and T. Nagy
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics ( Volume: 25 , Issue: 4 , July-Aug. 2019 )
Strategies for achieving intense single-cycle pulses with in-line post-compression setups
F. Silva, B. Alonso, W. Holgado, R. Romero, J. San Roman, E. Conejero Jarque, H. Koop, V. Pervak, H. Crespo, and I. J. Sola
Vol. 43, No. 2 / January 15 2018 / Optics Letters
Universal route to optimal few- to single-cycle pulse generation in hollow-core fiber compressors
E. Conejero Jarque, J. San Roman, F. Silva, R. Romero, W. Holgado, M. A. Gonzalez-Galicia, B. Alonso, I. J. Sola and H. Crespo
Scientific Reports | (2018) 8:2256 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-20580-1
Self-calibrating d-scan: measuring ultrashort laser pulses on-target using an arbitrary pulse compressor
Benjamín Alonso, Íñigo J. Sola and Helder Crespo
ScIeNtIFIc RepoRtS | (2018) 8:3264 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-21701-6
Generation and in-situ measurement of the full electric field of near-single-cycle light pulses by CEP dispersion-scan
F. Silva, R. Romero, M. Miranda, P. Guerreiro, M. Canhota, H. Koop, V. Pervak, I. J. Solá, and H. Crespo
(2018) Ultrafast Optics 2017 In Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering 10606. p.25-25
A compact single-shot d-scan setup for the characterization of few-cycle laser pulses
M. Louisy, C. Guo, L. Neoric, S. Zhong, A. L’Huillier, C. L. Arnold, and M. Miranda
Vol. 56, Issue 32,pp. 9084-9089(2017) / Applied Optics
Monolithic single-shot dispersion-scan: a new tool for real-time measurement and optimization of femtosecond pulses
Francisco Silva, Íñigo J. Sola, Helder Crespo, Rosa Romero, Miguel Miranda, Cord L. Arnold, Anne L’Huillier, Jose Trull, Crina Cojocaru
2017 European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and European Quantum Electronics Conference, (OSA, 2017), paper CF_11_3.
carrier-envelope-phase insensitivity in high-order harmonic generation driven by few-cycle laser pulses
C. Herna ́ndez-Garc ́ıa,∗ W. Holgado, L. Plaja, B. Alonso, F. Silva, M. Miranda, H. Crespo and I. J. Sola
10 Aug 2015 | Vol. 23, No. 16 | DOI:10.1364/OE.23.021497 | OPTICS EXPRESS 21497
Single-shot implementation of dispersion-scan for the characterization of ultrashort laser pulses
D. Fabris, W. Holgado, F. Silva, T. Witting, J. W. G. Tisch, and H. Crespo
14 Dec 2015 | Vol. 23, No. 25 | DOI:10.1364/OE.23.032803 | OPTICS EXPRESS 32803
Compression of CEP-stable multi-mJ laser pulses down to 4 fs in long hollow fibers
Frederik Böhle, Martin Kretschmar, Aurélie Jullien, Mate Kovacs, Miguel Miranda, Rosa Romero, Helder Crespo, Uwe Morgner, Peter Simon, Rodrigo Lopez-Martens and Tamas Nagy
Laser Physics Letters 06/2014; 11(9):095401
Simultaneous compression, characterization and phase stabilization of GW-level 1.4 cycle VIS-NIR femtosecond pulses using a single dispersion-scan setup
Francisco Silva, Miguel Miranda, Benjamín Alonso, Jens Rauschenberger, Vladimir Pervak and Helder Crespo
5 May 2014 | Vol. 22, No. 9 | DOI:10.1364/OE.22.010181 | OPTICS EXPRESS 10181
Ultrashort laser pulse characterization from dispersion scans: a comparison with SPIDER
Miguel Miranda, Piotr Rudawski, Chen Guo, Francisco Silva, Cord L. Arnold, Thomas Binhammer, Helder Crespo and Anne L’Huillier
Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 2013 Conference on, 9-14 June 2013
Near to mid-IR ultra-broadband third harmonic generation in multilayer graphene: few-cycle pulse measurement using THG dispersion-scan
Francisco Silva, Miguel Miranda, Stephan Teichmann, M Baudish, Mathieu Massicotte, Frank Koppens, Jens Biegert and Helder Crespo
CLEO: Science and Innovations, 2013/6/9, Pages CW1H. 5
Measuring few-cycle laser pulses: a comparative study between dispersion- scan and FROG
Francisco Silva, Miguel Miranda and Helder Crespo
Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe (CLEO EUROPE/IQEC), 2013 Conference on and International Quantum Electronics Conference, 12-16 May 2013
Characterization of sub-two-cycle pulses from a hollow-core fiber compressor in the spatiotemporal and spatiosespectral domains
Benjamín Alonso, Miguel Miranda, Francisco Silva, Vladimir Pervak, Jens Rauschenberger, Julio San Román, Íñigo J. Sola and Helder Crespo
Appl. Phys. B 112(1), 105–114 (2013)
Characterization of broadband few-cycle laser pulses with the d-scan technique
Miguel Miranda, Cord L. Arnold, Thomas Fordell, Francisco Silva, Benjamín Alonso, Rosa Weigand, Anne L’Huillier and Helder Crespo
13 August 2012 / Vol. 20, No. 17 / OPTICS EXPRESS 18732
Spatiotemporal characterization of few-cycle laser pulses
Benjamín Alonso, Miguel Miranda, Íñigo J. Sola and Helder Crespo
30 July 2012 / Vol. 20, No. 16 / OPTICS EXPRESS 17880
Simultaneous compression and characterization of ultrashort laser pulses using chirped mirrors and glass wedges
Miguel Miranda, Thomas Fordell, Cord Arnold, Anne L’Huillier and Helder Crespo
2 January 2012 / Vol. 20, No. 1 / OPTICS EXPRESS 688
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国产欧美在线標簽:超短脈衝(chong) 測量,飛秒脈衝(chong) 測量,飛秒激光測量,超短激光測量,空芯光纖壓縮,脈衝(chong) 壓縮器,飛秒脈衝(chong) 壓縮,OPCPA,FROG,d scan,few cycle,少周期脈衝(chong)