ALPES量子級聯激光激光器QCL3.8um-12.5um單波長量子級聯激光器(低價(jia) !)OEM高功率中紅外激光器外腔可調單頻量子級聯激光器單頻量子級聯激光器2.94um連續激光器1.2-2.4um VCSEL紅外激光器(光通信/三維傳(chuan) 感)5.4-10um可調諧量子級聯激光器
所屬類別:連續激光器(CW) » CW中紅外 | 量子級聯激光器
1101-46-EGC激光器係統是一款光柵外腔波長可調諧量子級聯激光器係統,,TEC和準直光學元件均密封於(yu) 激光頭內(nei) ,配置包括激光頭和配套電源, 開機可用
關(guan) 鍵字:高功率量子級聯激光器,量子級聯激光器,QCL激光器,中紅外激光器,中紅外量子級聯激光器,中紅外QCL激光器,QCW量子級聯激光器,準連續量子級聯激光器, 中紅外可調諧激光器,High power broad bandwidth quantum cascade lasers, QCLs,QCL
美國Pranalytica国产黄色在线观看是中紅外和長波紅外的量子級聯激光器生產(chan) 商,其国产欧美在线主要特點為(wei) 功率高,包括連續波和脈衝(chong) 型,寬譜,波長可調,多波長,以及OEM量子級聯激光器。
chromaLux 激光器係統是一款光柵外腔波長可調諧單頻量子級聯激光器係統,,TEC和準直光學元件均密封於(yu) 激光頭內(nei) ,配置包括激光頭和配套電源, 開機可用。
Packaged quantum cascade laser
工作模式 • CW operation with the laser head at room temperature
中心波長 • Centered at ~ 4.6 µm
輸出光譜 • Coarse tunable using the external grating control drive over ±150 nm centered at ~ 4.6 µm
• Fine tuning with frequency control of better than 40 MHz
輸出功率 • Single frequency tunable power ≥ 200 mW over the entire tuning range; Maximum power > 300 mW at the center of the tuning range
輸出線寬 • < 40 MHz when operated in CW mode
輸出光束 • Nearly collimated
光束質量 • Nearly diffraction limited (please call for details)
CW模式 • Model 1101-46-EGC is operated in true CW mode by applying +5V DC to the input connector (front panel)
尺寸 • 25 cm (W), 17 cm (H), 35 cm (D)
重量 • 10 kg
電源 • Provides the necessary laser drive current for the quantum cascade laser (factory adjusted to deliver the specified laser output power)
溫度控製 • Provides the necessary drive current for the associated thermoelectric coolers (factory adjusted to provide the needed cooling at the optimum operating point)
波長控製 • Using proprietary algorithms, provides all necessary internal signals for precisely setting and maintaing the desired wavelength
• Front panel control of wavelength selection
• Optional computer control of wavelength slection via USB
調製 • Front panel input connector for modulation of the laser output from 1 kHz to 100 kHz (TTL input), limited by the power supply. The quantum cascade laser can be modulated at rates up to 1 GHz with special power supply.
保護 • Laser power supply is equipped with multiple levels of protection for trouble free operation of the QCL
• Power supply has a 5 second startup delay time
• Laser is activated by a separate switch
尺寸 • 28 cm (W), 18 cm (H), 37 cm (D)
重量 • Weight: 10 kg
供電 • 110/220 V, 4 A (max)
• Optional modification available for operation from a single 28V DC source with somewhat lower power consumption
** 具體(ti) 波長等詳細指標要求,可谘詢上海昊量光電設備有限国产黄色在线观看。
国产欧美在线標簽:高功率量子級聯激光器,量子級聯激光器,QCL激光器,中紅外激光器,中紅外量子級聯激光器,中紅外QCL激光器,QCW量子級聯激光器,準連續量子級聯激光器, 中紅外可調諧激光器,High power broad bandwidth quantum cascade lasers,QCLs,QCL,中波激光器,